SAP QM Certification Question Bank

SAP Certified Application Associate – Quality Management with SAP ERP 6.0 Exam Questions with Answers & Explanations -eBook

Clearing the Quality Management (QM) Certification will not automatically lead you to a job.

However a Certification with some project experience will certainly open a lot of doors for you.

The consultants who will benefit the most from a certification are the ones with typically less than 2 year’s project experience.

This is not to say that consultants with higher experience will not benefit,  but at that level, having a certification matters much less.

So if you have little or no SAP- QM experience, you should get yourself certified, get some project experience, and then the whole of the SAP World open for you to explore.

Helping you with the first step on you ladder to success is the:

SAP Quality Management (QM) Associate Certification Exam with Answers & Explanations -eBook


Some unique features of this Book:

– There is NO Other material in the market for the SAP Quality Management (QM) ERP 6.0 Certification exam.

– The author has himself cleared the exam.

– All questions are multiple choice format, similar the questions you will get in the actual exam.

– Nearly 200 authentic questions, testing the exact same concepts that will be tested in Your exam!

Have a look at some sample questions from the book here:

Buy Now at a Special Introductory Price of USD 49.00

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Here is what you get with your purchase:

1. Over 200 authentic questions, testing the exact same concepts that will be tested in Your exam!

•  Multiple Choice  similar to what you will get in the actual test.

•  Custom made by recently certified SAP experts.

•  No superfluous stuff. Study ONLY what is needed for certification.

2. Over 200 pages of High Quality study material.

•  Geared specifically towards passing the certification.

•  Presentations outlining Key concepts for quick revision.

•  Nearly ALL actual certification questions will be from this material.

•  Not available to buy anywhere!

•  Available  ONLY with this certification pack.

3. Over 200 minutes of high quality Videos

•  Introduction & System demonstration of Key  functionality.

•  Ideal for grasping concepts quickly.

•  Created by experts who have helped hundreds of students clear the test.


4. Money Back Guarantee!!

Still Not Convinced that this product will help you pass the certification?

Well, we are so confident that this question bank & study material will help you pass the test, that……………….

We are willing to give it to you for free!!

Try this product for a full MONTH at our Cost.

If by the end of the month, you have taken the certification test and not cleared it, just send an email to admin at , with a copy of your official test result and the money will be refunded to you.

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